"35 Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! 36 And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. 37 For in this the saying is true: ‘One sows and another reaps.’ 38 I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labors.” John 4:35-38
735,937 have prayed to receive the Lord Jesus from 2021 through 2024. I am thankful to our partners who have labored in the harvest field and give me the opportunity to preach in their fields. (Pioneer Evangelism, Living Waters Foundation, Grace Global Network, John Javed Ministry and King Television.)
We also helped with wells, orphans, Jesus film teams, women’s sewing center that are
mentioned in the brochure.
Had The Battles of the Lord translated in Punjab and Language of Napal which brings it
to a total of seven languages.
Finished and published
Sarah, Woman of Faith
Finished new book
The Challenge of John
• Crusades: 165
• Pastor training sessions: 33
• Pastors Conferences: 11 (This included two separate pastor’s conferences of 1,000 each using my book the Battles of the Lord)
• American Church preaching/teachings, 13
• TV preaching with King Television Middle East, 3
• Total of 225 times of preaching or teaching.
• The Timothy Initiative (TTI) which gave thousands of printed copies of my book The Ministry that Pleases God (MPG) to church planters has begun making it available to tens of thousands digitally. (MPG has impacted over one million believers for discipleship.)
• My book The Battles of the Lord, which was used in eight languages in 2022
• We also partnered with three close friends and ministries for evangelism and missions with the Jesus Film evangelism, fresh water well, orphan, women vocational training, and all of this is done in the context of evangelism and discipleship.
Added Vision for 2023 Missions:
• The beginning of A Prayer Walk Through the Bible in my woods. Phase One is A Walk to the Cross with around 60 Banners over the walking trail showing the promise of Jesus – The Lamb of God sent as a sacrifice for our sins.
1. 200,762 saved in ten mass crusades in Pakistan.
2. 15,028 saved in 110 Jesus film/preaching crusades in Africa.
3. 2,000 saved in Pakistan village preaching.
4. 1,531 saved from TV program Heaven for Sure
Pastors and Christian Leaders Conferences:
God has allowed me to teach and encourage thousands of humble servants of God who serve where there is great darkness, but the Harvest is ripe. This ministry will see many thousands more come to Christ because these faithful pastors will evangelize their fields of harvest.
1. Four Pastors Conferences in Pakistan reach 12,000 attendees with each receiving my book The Battles of the Lord in their own language. With the expectation of each Leader teaching their church or home group the teaching impact is expected to reach 120,000 to 400,000.
2. Kenya pastors and church planting training continue as I help teach ten training centers multiple times during the year.
An new preaching and teaching ministry door opened this year:
International Television Ministry: 48 million household’s view Heaven for Sure.
Because of our evangelism ministry in Pakistan, God opened a new door to be part of a major Christian TV network broadcasting in the Middle East 10/40 window and beyond. This 30-minute weekly program I named “Heaven for Sure,” to encourage all to be saved and then be certain that they are going to heaven by faith in Jesus Christ. Our first program in March began with around 200,000 households and has grown to over 2,000,000 households per week. (It is more likely that each household has multiple viewers which could mean that 100 million viewed Heaven for Sure in the last nine months.) I feel confident that thousands are coming to Christ through this program in this critical part of the world for the Gospel. Below are the countries where the broadcast can be seen:
(Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, South Sudan, Liberia, great Oman, UK, Norway, Poland, Switzerland, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Malaysia, India, Russia, Lebanon, Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Dubai, Qatar, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Australia, America, Mexico, Brazil, Ukraine, Singapore, Lebanon, Vietnam, Philippine, Finland, Thailand)
Other ministries:
1. Launch of a new village Jesus Film/preaching and church planting ministry in Pakistan.
2. We have helped with a new church plant in Colombia.
3. We are constructing a fresh water well on the site of a new church plant in Africa.
4. We help free four families from working like slaves for an average of 15 plus years to pay off a debt of less than $200.
5. Developing a Bible Banner Trail Walk through my woods as a local ministry.
6. Teaching/preaching at local church.
Evangelistic Crusades: 378,078 in 2024 called on the Lord Jesus in salvation compared to 219,321 in 2023.
I am thankful and amazed to report to our friends that we had 378,078 personally pray to receive Christ with me in 2024. God allowed me to preach the glorious salvation message of Jesus Christ in over 124 crusades by Zoom, Skype, and WhatsApp with our partners in Africa and Pakistan. In each of these crusades, I gave a personal invitation to respond in faith to the Lord Jesus. The teams on the ground recorded and offered follow-up discipleship to those who publicly prayed to receive Christ. From this follow-up and discipleship, we had 3,600 new church starts in Pakistan and hundreds more in Africa.
1. 356,510 saved in 13 mass crusades in Pakistan.
2. 13,304 saved in 78 Jesus film/preaching crusades in Africa.
3. 8,264 saved in Pakistan small village preaching and Jesus film.
International Television Ministry: 104 million households viewed our TV broadcast Heaven for Sure Today.
Vision Casting for Mission 2025:
1. We have planned 13 Mass Crusades in Pakistan but are invited to do more.
2. We were asked to expand the Pakistan Jesus film teams from two a month to four a month. We have made a faith commitment to our partners there to go forward.
3. We were asked to hold a Pastor’s Conference in Pakistan for the 3,600 new church plant leaders using my book The Battles of the Lord. We have made a faith commitment to them. They also are asking for more Pastor’s Conferences this year.
4. We are praying about expansion in Africa.
5. We are praying about expansion in Brazil.
6. We are praying about expansion in Colombia.
Pioneer Evangelism sends me two salvation testimonies after each crusade that I preach with them. Below are some to illustrate the power of the Gospel to save immediately to all who believe.
Sept 5
In today's crusade in Africa, 94 prayed to receive Christ. These testimonies of a daughter and her mother shows the power of forgiveness. When the daughter made peace with God she wanted to make peace with her mother. When the mother was reconciled to God she wanted to reach out to her divorced husband and reconciled with him. Those who have been forgiven will forgive others.
Testimony 1
I am M...., aged 16 years, from village.
I attended film meeting, it was actually my first time, my mother and our neighbor followed me too.
My life has been full of questions, I had so many questions about life. I used to wonder why we suffer, go through a lot of hardships and other bad things yet we are told that God is love
Even though I had some little knowledge about God, I was not sure about His love and concern for me.
Many a times, I felt so much withdrawn from life. We always argued with my mother whenever I talked to her about our life.
Anytime I mentioned what I think God can do, even though, I wasn’t sure about it, we could differ sharply and even stop talking to each other for days. This has been the way of life for us.
Watching Jesus’ film has changed my attitude. The film was paused and a preacher was welcomed
His name was Pastor Truman, he shared on how God created a perfect man in a perfect world expecting to see Adam living a perfect life. This didn’t work because Adam and Eve were deceived by the serpent and they sinned against God.
From there, the man and world became imperfect. I then understood why we have much suffering, pain, diseases and all bad things. I also understood from the teaching of the pastor that Jesus is the only perfect man who can help us live a perfect life. But this can only happen if we give our lives to Him.
I realized the need to surrender my life and when the pastor made the final call of salvation, and requested Isaac to lead us in prayer for salvation, I gave my life to Jesus.
Now I feel peace in my heart. I believe that Jesus will help me to live a life that gives him the glory
I have decided to make peace with my mother and also to join the good news bible study groups. I will also share this love which I have experienced with my friends at school.
Testimony 2
I am S...., the mother to M....... I also attended this film meeting. It is true that we have had a lot of arguments with my daughter, especially things to do with right living and about God
My life has been very difficult. I have been very religious but I have never had a personal relationship with God. I have always seen that my life has no purpose
Due to hardships in life, I have been in search of what can give me purpose in my life. I therefore decided that I can also look for other sources of help.
I ended up looking for the services of a witchdoctor to protect my compound and family using some charms. This didn’t work out well. It worsened the situation
The charms made my husband to run away from home. I felt so much discouraged and I wanted to revenge against him. So, I decided to have an affair with another man. I have lived in this situation for the past three years.
When American preached and taught about God’s love and how He sent Jesus to die on the cross for me. I saw Jesus asking God to forgive me because I did not know what I was doing. When an altar call was made, I decided to surrender to God, I now feel joy, peace and a sense of purpose in life.
I have decided to stop my immoral life and seek forgiveness and reconciliation with my husband. I am also joining the good news study group so that I can learn how to walk with Jesus.
Special thanks to Living Waters Jesus film team and to Pioneer Evangelism for their partnership in the Gospel.
July 3
Three Prostitutes set free by Jesus. I cried, “All your sins were on Jesus on the Cross…. Your stealing, your adultery, your prostitution…”. Below are the stories of two prostitutes who heard the call of the Good Shepherd delivering his lost sheep from the mouth of Satan the roaring lion.
Notice also how God used a former prostitute to invite them to the evangelistic meeting. How Amazing is God’s grace and love to sinners like you and me. Many ask about the follow up. You also hear in the testimony that our partners Pioneer Evangelism follow up with discipleship. The vast majority of those who pray to receive Christ are discipled. (Testimony edited for security reasons there)
Testimony 3
My name is M…… from Village. I used to live a very rebellious life since my childhood. I grew up with no regard to and faith to God who created me including all other creation and I enjoyed it that way.
I dropped out of school in primary six because of my bad attitude towards my parents and teachers alike for I could not listen to their advice.
My parents were very much annoyed by my behaviors and that’s how I found myself on the streets of the city as a prostitute. I was introduced to taking alcohol and smoking weed in order to cope up with the new “profession” I had joined.
Life as a prostitute is not as easy as you may think, some clients do not pay for the services rendered while others could end up beating me on top of no payments. Today on Friday 28th June 2024 through an Evangelist who came to my house, I got an invitation to attend the Jesus Film meeting.
While in the meeting, the local Pastor informed us that one of their partners would minister to us that evening live from USA after watching the Jesus film. With the film it was ok because most of the time I have been watching movies as I look for my clients but someone speaking to us from America live is what I wanted to see how it works
The partner appeared on the big screen and introduced himself as Pastor Truman who shared with us the meaning of the logic that a clock never made itself pointing to God’s existence and the maker of my life.
While he was sharing this message, I examined myself and I recognized that just as the clock is ordered for a purpose and I rightfully concluded that it has a creator who ordered it, my life is also ordered in many ways and for a variety of purposes, so I should similarly conclude that it has a Creator, God, who ordered it.
I realized that I have wasted my life , that I am a sinner in need of repentance and believed in Jesus’ free gift of salvation as provided for by God as a means of escape from my sins.
I there and then changed my mind from my old evil thinking and practices and I resolved to surrender my life to Jesus; and accepted Him as my Lord and Savior. I am so happy after having been prayed for salvation and I accepted to sign up for the Good News Studies group that I am now a child of God. Together with a Volunteer Counselor we both agreed that we shall be meeting in my house for at least one hour every Tuesday.
Testimony 4
I'm a resident of Village and my name is ……. I was brought up in a different religious family and doubted the teachings due to the way women are treated as third class, first class being men followed by boys. Inside me I was burning with rage and hatred for the these religious men and boys.
Secretly I was having sexual affair with our religious leader, who broke my virginity at the age of 14 years. The religious leader asked me to befriend his cousin as a camouflage who also introduced me to his employer and forced me to have sex with him so that he could keep his job as a shop attendant.
Little did I know I had been initiated into prostitution, a syndicate led by a respected religious leader. I resolved to live purely for my own pleasures and with no regard for this religion because my whole heart was not right.
As time progressed it began being more clear to me that this world was filled with hatred, selfishness and sexual immorality; and as much as I had lost faith in religion, I could feel that this was not right. Inside me I could feel being empty and a need to be filled but with no knowledge to repent before the true God and that I am a sinner.
Today on Friday, 28th , I have been invited to attend a Jesus Film meeting. N…….., a former prostitute known to me and now as an Evangelist .
I accepted to attend the meeting , I learnt a lot from Jesus Words in the film , I used to hear that Jesus died for us , I saw it today , when I was still thinking
The Musungu appeared on the big screen and he introduced himself as Pastor Truman speaking to us live from the USA and had an opportunity to hear God speak to me very clearly defining that the only path to salvation is through Jesus who did not come from the seed of Adam, sin, and He came to give life which is eternal.
When I internalized this message, my heart was convinced that it was very important for me to give my life to Jesus.
When Pastor Truman winded up his message, he gave us an opportunity to whoever was willing to surrender his or her own life to Jesus.
I realized I was a sinner who is not better than the two sinners crucified together with Jesus and I am in need of a Savior and no matter the number of my sins, and no matter if I, or the world, think my sins are minor or extreme, it is never too late to repent, which I did and accepted the free gift of salvation.
I rose up my hand among other people prayed for salvation. I'm now sin free for I have been forgiven; and Pastor P……. linked me to a Volunteer Counselor with whom we agreed to start a Good News Studies group in my house together with others with effect from Monday, for teachings so that I am also grounded in the true Word of God.
Testimony 5
My name is Bernard Naika from Lwichi village. Since I was born I have never encountered God in a such way. I have been a drunkard who used to fight whenever I could get drunk. I have wounds all over my body just as a result of too much drinking and fighting anybody. Today it has been my day. I was invited into a film meeting by my friend Pastor C.... The meeting has been so powerful in both the film and the preaching.It was made clear to me that I must call on the name of Jesus to get saved. For sure God purposed to speak to me in this special and a powerful way and so I decided to give my life to Jesus Christ when pastor Truman made an alter call. He led us into the prayer for confession. I'm so happy to be identified among God's family by the experience of the new birth. I will be joining the good news group too just as I have signed. Thank you and may God reward your efforts.